Join the evolution!

Discover our revolutionary online auction platform.

What is the Nerd Auction?

NERD Auction is a web portal that allows you to sell your inventory of vehicles that you want to send to wholesale. Instead of going through a popular auction site, invite your buyers once a week (or however often you want) to an online auction!

One of the most reliable systems in Canada

The Nerd Encan auction app makes the process of selling your dedicated vehicles at wholesale easy!

Car auctions

Ask your buyers to create commercial accounts on your auction site powered by NERD Auction and run your own virtual auction at the frequency you want. 

Save a huge amount of money annually on transaction fees that other platforms take from you for each vehicle that trades on their system!

Transactional services

NERD Auction has already been running for a few years. Enter vehicles using the NERD Auction application or through your auction website.

Only authorized buyers have access.

Across Canada

The web portal is available in English and French. Sell anywhere in Canada without hassle!

Testimonials from our users

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