Web Portal Development For Automotive & Powersport Dealers

Our Promise

While working in the automotive industry, Nerd Auto’s founders quickly realized that the existing web solutions were too pricey and hard to tailor to every dealer’s specific needs. They decided to build a company that would offer state-of-the-art and technology advanced web solutions at a very reasonable price.

Contact us, you’ll be surprised!

Our Solutions

Inventory Management

Brand new Inventory Management System. Easy to use directly from your phone with a step-by-step process.

Automotive Web Portals

We build the most technologically advanced automotive web portals to manage and showcase all your dealer's departments. Discover all its features!

Reporting & Analytics

Our team is available at all times to help you understand and summarize your data in actionable reports.

Some of our clients

What clients say

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John Doe

Meet the team

Ready to bring your dealership to the next level ?

Call us to discover all the benefits of our advanced web portal and how our turnkey web solutions can truly push forward your dealer's internet presence, simplify its inventory management and develop its media dominance.

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